Creativity and New Media

I constantly use Pinterest to create mood boards for myself. I think it helps to boost your creativity as you can organize it however you want and get inspired from other people. Here is the link to my page and below is an example of one of my boards.


  1. I use Pinterest website too. This is the best platform to foster creativity and find the inspiration. Love it.

  2. I always come across Pinterest whenever I am googling for a certain thing such as a clothing item. I never personally used the application, however, always had an interest in it. You have a really nice board created for yourself and it seems to me you simply use Pinterest as a form of an inspiration album. Looks really nice!

  3. I also come across Pinterest just to see some inspiration on anything. Your board is very organized and fun to scroll through. You have a very nice sense of fashion and I think it is very creative.

  4. I LOVE Pinterest! It's such a great place to find inspiration for decoration, fashion and room decor! I always utilize Pinterest for any events that I'm planning, especially for my club at Baruch. I also use it create mood boards for my room! It's also a great place to find a specific theme I could use for my instagram! Also just checked out your board and I love your sense of fashion!


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