
A lot of privacy issues are directly related to new media. Such social media platforms as Facebook, Instagram, Google collect and share information about us. No one reads the section in small letters before agreeing to the use of the website. So people are basically signing something without knowing what it is. I believe if agreement involves the use of personal information for the benefits of the company it should be notified to the customer better. In big letters, not in small. People should also be careful about what they post online. Sometimes our social media accounts are full of private information.

The companies know almost everything about us by now. They are able to determine what kind of product, we are more likely to buy and which concert we would love to attend. However, are companies protecting our information well enough? In my opinion, they should improve the protection to make sure third parties don’t have access to it. There should be some laws to regulate it. Can you imagine someone would be able to get your phone number, address, medical information online? It seems like it is impossible but it is actually very likely to happen and it is scary
