How new media changes advertising industry?

I would love to talk about how new media transform the advertising industry, focusing on the influence of social media. New media is developing so quickly that people who work in the advertising industry have to track new ways of communication and adjust as quickly as possible. For an example, when Instagram stories were introduced two years ago, companies started working on banners for the posts right after the update came out. Following that, many companies decided to hire professionals to make sure their posts would have more impressions and likes. In the twenty-first century, people are working as influencer or bloggers full-time; their primary responsibilities are to promote certain products to the public through their social media channels.

Advertising agencies tend to communicate to people not only through TV or magazines but now through many more channels each of which requires special skills and is a part of new media. With help of new technology and new channels of communication, the advertising industry is able to reach us at almost any moment of our lives to convince us to buy a new Chanel Perfume or to switch to a Verizon provider.
